Lubavitch on the Palisades Email us (animated)
11 Harold Street
Tenafly, NJ 07670
Phone: 201-871-1152
Fax: 201-871-4181



Contact Us Questions? Comments? Praise? Critique? No matter what, you've come to the right place! Please drop us a line, we thrive on your feedback.

Executive Director/Rabbi
Rabbi Mordechai Shain
Option 5, Ext. 501

[email protected]

Executive Assistant
Shul Office 

Mrs. Aviella Bareket 
Option 5, Ext. 500 

[email protected]

Israeli Club Director
Teen Director

Rabbi Yitzchak Gershovitz
Option 5, Ext. 508

[email protected]

Hebrew School Director
Youth Director
Camp Gan Israel OD Director

Rabbi Yossi Katz
Option 5, Ext. 503

[email protected]

Hebrew School Asst. Director
Mrs. Bassi Katz
Option 5, Ext. 509

[email protected]

TCA Elementary School  Director
Mrs. Orite Rubenstein 
Option 5, Ext 526 

[email protected]

TCA Middle School  Director
Mrs. Meital Teitelman
Option 5, Ext 510

m[email protected]

Head of School
Mrs. Orite Rubenstein  
Option 5, Ext. 506

[email protected] 

LPS Preschool Asst. Director 
Mrs. Sonya Solomon
Option 5, Ext. 504
[email protected]

LPS Preschool Admin
Vered Lev
Option 5, Ext. 505

[email protected] 

TCA Elementary/Middle School Admin 
Nancy Miller
Option 5, Ext. 513

t[email protected]

Business Office Administrator 
Maya Rofheart
Option 5, Ext. 515

[email protected]

Director of Business Operations
Mrs. Robin Mendelson
Option 5, Ext. 507

Chabad Women's Circle
Mrs. Malkie Shain 
Mrs. Naomi Gershovitz
Option 5, Ext. 543

[email protected]
[email protected]

Social Event Coordinator
Mrs. Angela Kerr 
Option 5, Ext. 545

[email protected] 

Adult Education Director
Ms. Dubbie Shain
Option 5, Ext. 512
[email protected]

Ari Rosenberg
Option 5, Ext. 100 

[email protected]

Maintenance Director
Lou de Carvalho
Option 5, Ext. 511

Mrs. Malkie Shain
(201) 816.0440

[email protected]


Camp Gan Israel YD
Option 5, Ext. 559 
[email protected]

Camp Gan Israel OD
Option 5, Ext. 503 

[email protected]